31 July 2006

Everything is not coming up roses......

Hello All

Hope you are haveing more success than me this year. All I seem to have grown this year is more weeds than anything. The only crops doing well are the potatoes. As you can see here we have only took them from the surface and not really dug down very far. But we still have a bag ful from that alone.

The rest of the ground has been cleared and we are deciding what to do about it. Do we replant other stuff or do we just dig manure in now and hope or what?

Weeds still out number crops and we will have to do something about that for next year. May a raised bed system of a complete weed killer operation before we start planting for the Winter

Anyway the other the thing growing well again are my sunflowers. I gave some of my seedlings to another group of plot holders and here they are to prove that the sunflowers have grown. They are self seeded from last year's crop so they are smaller than last year, which reached about 15 foot. This year they barely managed 10 foot.

Anyway I will go now and you can leave me any comments you would like to

yours Badrill 118

13 July 2006

Hello all you happy lottiers

Hello All

No photos this week forgot camera and the batteries ran out.

Well the weeds are coming down. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been working very hard at work and it seems to be paying me a little eztra money so a holiday and maybe raised beds for next year would be money well spent. Even though we may move in the next 12 months we will keep the allottment for as long as possible and that would be very good for us. But if we move too far we may need to look for another one. Maybe we should only look for a new house were there are some allotments and no waiting list. All the best thngs come to those who wait.

Speak again later mim

3 July 2006

Hello again

Hello all
The lottie was on the back burner this last week as I had a much needed break in Burnham on Sea. I had a couple of the lovely blokes from the allotment water my plot so it was fine when I got back.

No pictures of it though as the weeds are higher than the turnips and onion stalks so not ahppy showing you all. I hope to get some weeding done on Wenesday when the wind should be a little heavier than today and hopefully we shold have a thunder storm.

I do have some pictures of my aunt's garden though so you can see what she has been doing. The hedgepig is my favourite

So just a quickie today

I will be back soon
