Well hello all,
A long time since my last post, well things have been busy. With a wedding and the bad weather and me doing lots of overtime at work things have just been left to their own devices again. But as I have said in earlier posts This Year will be different.
Well so far it has been, the Hubby has been done at least 5 times this year instead of the twice last year. Every time I go over I am weeding and planting and not just groaning with despair at the weed growth. Little and often is probably the motto for this year.
These are some of the Potatoes we out in in Feb and March. I thought I had lost them because we had put them early and we had some fairly hard frosts. But we have only seemed to have lost 1 or 2 plants over all. Behind these spuds we have put another 4 rows and so we should have some for them winter we hope. Lets hope the blight don't come again.
I have put in some runner beans again but I still have more to put in yet. As you can see I have swapped the spuds and peas and beans around for this year and I hope they will all do well. my heritage peas are starting to put on a spurt. If all goes according to plan they should grow to about 10 foot tall. Thus dwarfing the runner beans
The Rhubarb is coming on well and we have had a lot off it already, but we shall see what happens to this year as we will have to dig and split it as there are too many for such a small bed.
A new venture f0rm me I am trying some strawberries and I shall keep you post on how they do. Does anyone have any ideas as how to best look after them
The broad beans are actually doing very well at the mo, they are taller than in this photo which was taken about 3 weeks ago. again I have only lost about 5-8 plants of the 50 I planted. So not doing badly with them either.
Here you can see 1 of my bush marrows and some small lettuces. I have had to net them, as the birds wont leave anything for the slugs to eat if I didn't.
Anyway I just thought you may want to see what we both look like after a hard day at the Lottie
I am on the left and Simon is leaning on the spade
Hope to hear from some of you soon
My gardening saga
8 years ago