Hello All
As you can see the weeds are still winning in one patch of the Lottie. I just can't keep on top of them and work all day as well at the moment.
Arrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh Life
what will we do I ask myself. Should we give up and not do it next year or should we use weedkilller ???????????????
Well I really don't know. In amongst all the weeds are carrots and beetroot. Just in case you all wanted to know the weeds are Poppies from the neighboring allotment.
You can see how far they spread. I have been told that poppy seeds can stay dormant for about 100 years. Anyone got any ideas???
Anyway here you can see we are actually growing some crops. Broad Beans to be exact. WE put in about 50 seeds and only about 30 came up. Smae with the peas. 100 seeds and only 20 plants.
I complained about this last time. But we will at least have some crops and I am going to replant my pea seeds and see how we get on. The variety I ahve brought can be planted out until mid july so we have 3 weeks. 2 successional sowings should bring us back up to date. Runner beans are in and in the next post I will put some photos on of them. The raspberries are going like wildfire and already friuting, so we should have some ready over the next month or so. The rhubarb is doing very well and my patio apple is full of apples and so we are hoping to hve some ready for September time.
Anyway must go now, will be back later.
Happy cropping all