31 January 2007

We found stuff on the lottie already growing................ yippee

Hello again

I have been to the new Lottie today as the weather was not too bad. And whilst clearing the rubbish we found some stuff already growing and not just weeds.

We believe the photo at the top is showing horseradish. Any ideas on what to do with it?

This one is showing carrots

and under the orange contraption we believe there may even be some strawberries

Here we believe there are at least 6 rhubarb roots coming up next to the compost bin. We were told today that the previous tenant grew Rhubarb there and so we are expecting some really good stuff.

The soil for the whole Lottie appears to have been well looked after and so we we intend to try and keep it up.

Hope to hear from some of you later


29 January 2007

More info about my new plot

Hello All

I thought I would give you some more info about the new plot. It is 7 1/2 metres wide by 13 metres long in new money. But i prefer feet and inches so it is 25 ish feet wide by 42 ish feet long
The previous owners have left some veg in like carrots and they appear to be good ones, so we may have them for tea one night soon.

As you can see below we have made a start on the clearing. Not too hard a job at the moment as it is just weeds really. I have decided how I am going to divide up the largest section of the Lottie which is 24 feet x 25 feet. the other 2 sections are both 8 feet each so will be left for spuds and beans this year.

The ground in the foreground where the dry twigs are has already been dug over and weeded; when the whole plot has been weeded one of the guys on the site will rotivate the soil for me and that will make life a lot easier for me to manage. I have been and brought some seeds which I hope will last me a couple of years. That is unless I share them with other people.

Underneath the orange mound we think that there may be strawberries.

I have rhubarb and raspberry canes and a gooseberry bush at the old plot which I need to transplant to the new one.

News Of the Old Shed.

It cannot be saved; so it will be recycled and used to make me some raised beds for my parsnips and my marrow and courgette plants. That way they won't wander all over the ground and take up valuable planting space. The old Lottie is 3 times the size of the new one.

Any way I will go now as I have to sort out planting grids and the such for the new one.

Yours Doidge

24 January 2007

My New Plot

Hello all
I thought I would take some photos of my new allotment.
As you can see it has weeds on but nothing as bad as I have had to deal with in the past. A couple of hours should clear the plot and tidy it up.
Where mom is standing is the full length of the 1/2 plot.
in the background we see the Loo ( usable by the disabled) and teaching block. You can also see the raised beds which are being used by two young men who have electric wheel chairs.
The facilities are basic, but very good.
I have 2 water stands within 20 feet of the Lottie and the toilet has a separate water supply to use if the pipes are not on.
All in all it is a much better site to be on than the last one. It is only 6 minutes walk away form home. It is a private run site and it has better facilities.
The plot is much smaller than the one I am used to but it should be more manageable for me when no-one else can come and give me a hand.
The compost heap under the new stuff on the top I am told is about 3 year's old and should be very useful for growing things in.
News of the Old Lottie
One of the older men came into work to tell me that my shed has fallen over and I need to go and get it up. Fortunately we only have a couple of chairs and the tools in there and the canes for the beans. I am intending to sort that out on Thursday after work. By Friday I am hoping to get to the old one and do a couple of hours work on it to start the clearing out the stuff we have and then we can move the rhubarb and dig out the rest of the veg.
Hope to hear from some of you soon

22 January 2007

New Year New Plot

Hello Everyone in Lottie Land

Just thought I would post a bit of new about our allotment. We are not giving up but we are taking on a 1/2 plot in the allotments near to our new house.

I heard about tonight and on Wednesday I will be going to sign the paperwork. It will only be 6 minutes walk from home and it has a loo and a shop and a club house where you can make your own cup of tea. I also understand it has a shower facility aswell. Yippe.

I will go now as I have a lot of things to do and seed catalouges to be sorting through.

Happy Digging

14 January 2007

New Year and more veg to look forward to

Hello All
As you can see today has been a gorgeous day , if a bit cold, for getting down the allotment. I was surprised to see so few weeds and just grass as the main problem I had to deal with. Having moved house and had Christmas nad New Year as well it has been about 6 weeks since we managed to get to the lottie. So I was really surprised to see how well it is doing
As you can see I have anenomes and sweet william still in flower
as well as cauli 's and cabbage.
Today we got Cabbage, Cauli, Leeks and Potatoes out of the lottie
The Rhubarb is doing very well and we hope to be getting some nice stuff off it later in the year. We have a new addition to the lottie this year. We have been given a gooseberry bush , form another plot holder. She had 5 and wanted to get rid of soeme them and we got the largest. It is a reliable cropper and the friut is really sweet. We are already waiting for them.
Anway Have a great 2007 and a great year on your lotties
All the best Mim