27 March 2008

Nearly Cleared plot.....

Hello All

It is that time of year again; what with finishing the digging and starting to plant out this years seeds and plants, when do we have time to stop and do anything else.

Well I managed to get to the Lottie today for a couple of hours, first time since the end of Feb, due to work and weather conditions. Having cleared some of the rubbish and tidied up the Lottie I find we only have the following bit of ground to sort out.
We cannot do much with this as most of it is either compost bins or Rhubarb as you can see from the next photo.

But Rhubarb is not the only thing growing on the Lottie to date. We have planted up 3-4 ranks of spuds with another 4-5 ranks to go in still. There are 5 rows of broad beans in and I still have some kale and broccoli left in the ground but that is nearly finished.
As you can see the plot is looking quite tidy at the mo and lets hope this year we can keep on top of it better than last year.

The piece of ground we could not use last year because of the mass of horseradish can now be used this year. We think we have got 99% of it out and if we do get anymore then I will us Azooral on it and that should sort out any little ones.

We have started planting the broad beans in it so far but we will also try planting carrots and Kohl Rabi and beetroot in there this year and see what happens.

Hope to hear from some of you soon
Yours Doidge
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