12 March 2008

Not much doing

Hello again

I thought I would put the world to rights again today. The weather has been really bad again this week and I have been at work while the sun has been out so no work at the Lottie again. When I get home at 6.30 I cannot get anything done at the Lottie so I have to wait until the weekend and then try getting a whole weeks work done in a couple of hours.

We have been down twice in the last 3 weeks and planted some more stuff in the ground. But I have been sowing some things at home. I am trying to save some money this year and am trying to grow some flowers from seed this year instead of buying them.

I have tried this before and not had much success. I do better from cuttings, so my neighbours had better watch out.

So far all I have got is really long spindly growth so I think I will have to do some more and see what happens.

This week I am going to start some new broad beans and try sowing my peas in pots and then get them ready for the ground.

I like being able to see things grow from seed and then eat off it later.

So what about the plot. we have dug over 2/3 of now and we have decided to get rid of the grass paths as they are taking up a far amount of planting room. The grass has been saved to make into loam for next year.

So instead we are going to dig out the winter stuff soon and then make one very large bed and divide it up using the same fencing we brought last year. That way we get back about 6x3 foot of ground we can use. I am aiming to get it better laid out for the competition this year and get a better variety of plants in and hope they all come up in time.

I will definitely be growing Nasturtiums again as they did really well as did the Sweet Peas. But I don't have the room for too many flowers this year so I have planted bulbs which I lift and put back into my own garden for next year.

Anyway I will go now and try to take some photos the next time I am at the Lottie.

Happy sowing

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